Frank's Word

      Greetings.  Welcome to my homepage. Feel Free to 
browse around.  Eventually there will be a resume. I have
recently been blessed enough to add my testimony to this 
page.  To any of my old friends who find this page please 
email me at my new email address 
For anyone Interested I will be working at Camp EL Har this summer.
 My guest book is finally installed.  Please sign it at the 
bottom of this page.I can't wait to here from you.   
One more thing. This page is now fully operational.
There are almost twenty stories to be found on this page.
The final installment of Fine is in at last.
WARNING Some will make you cry. Links can be found at the bottom

Last Update: 10/24/99


Romantic & Real Life
Love is lost and found in realistic settings
Blood Humor
A Saga of funny stories where the goodguy wins
some funny some serious last updated---9/29/99

Second Light
I'm writing a book. To learn about it check here.


My philosophy on reality, truth, value, and education, subject to change as God shows me.
God's Omniscience with Respect to Time
My Term Paper for Howard Payne University. Rather interesting.
Life Mission Statement
What else
My Testimony
I'm a Christian, and here's the story behind it.
It's finally here.
The One and Only Me
Pictures of the Author

Thunder has struck times.

Sign my guestbook please.

Well another semester of college at Howard Payne University has begun. I'm a Practical Theology / Philosophy Major. In plain english I'm studying to be a pastor. It's an exciting time of my life and I wouldn't skip it for the world. If you found this page there is probably a reason (I have to work pretty hard to find it myself). The reason I live is fairly simple. I want to know Jesus Christ better and I hope you'll look into Him as well. My favorite scripture is John chapter 9. Yeah, the whole thing. It's about a man who only knows one thing.

Greg's page:
Global Christian Network: Great for Christian chat
Wes's page:
Scott's Page:
Nathan's page:
Big Eugene and the Loose Screws:a band
SPIN490:another band
My Background page:all my bg's on one page
Batt Mass's World:Matt's Page
Josh Ray's Page:not quite operational

E-bay: great on-line auctions

These are some great links. Greg's page has two great stories. Wes' page has some cool Christian links. The two listed bands are from my college and are very good.